SEK-Qatar Grade 3

Food chain games

Here are two online games you can play to find out more about producers, consumers and decomposers and about food chains.

Producer, consumer and decomposer game

Food Chain game

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Doha Bus field trip

Grade 3 children had a wonderful time on the Doha Bus field trip today. Here are some photos… enjoy!

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And  a few of the Sparkling Jewels…

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If the World were a Village

Here is a video that we saw in class, based on the book ‘If the World were a Village’.

If the World were a Village

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SEK School Map Activity

This week the Shiny Minions and the Sparkling Jewels had some fun with reading and labeling a map. Each child had a blank map and worked with a team to label 30 different places around the school. This proved to be much more challenging than they realised but they showed excellent cooperation and teamwork to get the job done!

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