SEK-Qatar Grade 3

Archive for November, 2016

Bill Nye, the “Science Guy”

Dear Grade 3s,

Our beloved science guy is back to tell you more about Ecosystems!

Watch the video below and follow the instructions written in this week’s Newsletter.


posted by zitapetyovszki in Sin categoría and have Comment (1)

“A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean.” – The Lorax

Take a bow everyone for a great start to our new unit which we kicked off by exploring the wacky world of The Lorax.



Both classes did tremendous work unpacking our latest central idea;

“Balance ensures organism survival within an ecosystem.”

We worked in groups in order to sort a random selection of organisms to make connections between them and discuss why we felt they belonged alongside each other. We are very happy with the outcome and wanted you to see what the groups produced.




Really looking forward to delving into the unit of inquiry together and discovering connections we never knew we had before!

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